The Primo Levi Centre is a nonprofit organization regulated by the French association contract law of July 1, 1901. 

The board of directors is made up of three panels: members who have paid their annual subscription, including the founding members (Médecins du Monde, ACAT-France, and Trêve), active members who join as individuals, and associative members.

It meets once a year at a general meeting to deal with the agenda proposed by the board of directors, to approve the annual report and accounts for the previous year, to vote on the budget for the following year, and to make decisions on acts affecting the assets of the Primo Levi Centre.

Board of Directors

Made up of 17 representatives of the three panels, the Board of Directors sets the center’s objectives and defines its strategic orientations. It also elects an executive committee, from among its members, responsible for overseeing the operational implementation of the orientations and decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting. The founding associations each have two seats on the Board of Directors.

The permanent staff

The work of the Primo Levi Centre is based on the mobilization of a permanent team of employees and volunteers. The Primo Levi Centre also regularly welcomes interns, apprentices and civic service volunteers.

Under the responsibility of the managing director, the Primo Levi Centre’s permanent team is made up of 25 people involved in the care and support of exiles, the training of other professionals and volunteers, and the advocacy to politicians and enterprises. 

Our partners

The Primo Levi Centre is a member of several networks with which it shares information, work, ideas, and regularly carries out advocacy.

Promoting access to appropriate care for victims of torture

The Primo Levi Centre is a member of the Observatoire du Droit à la Santé des Étrangers (ODSE) and a founding member of Réséda, a French-speaking network of 9 healthcare centers based in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Algeria and Lebanon. The center has also been involved in the work of the European Network of Rehabilitation Centres for Survivors of Torture.

Defending the right to asylum

The lack of recognition of the suffering endured in their country of origin and/or on the migration route, and the fear of being turned back exacerbate the suffering of women, men and children who have had to flee their country. The precarious living conditions linked to their administrative situation constitute an obstacle to the care required by their state of health. The Primo Levi Centre has witnessed the effects of torture and the deterioration in reception conditions for exiles, and is committed to defending the right to asylum. It plays an active role in the work of the Coordination Française Pour le Droit d’Asile (CFDA) and is a member of InfoMIE, a resource center for unaccompanied foreign minors.

The Primo Levi Centre is also a member of Uriopss Île-de-France (Union Régionale Interfédérale des Oeuvres et Organismes Privés non Lucratifs Sanitaires et Sociaux), which “represents to the public authorities in the Île-de-France region the collective voice of associations in the health, social and socio-medical sectors working alongside vulnerable and fragile people;” Since 2022, the Primo Levi Centre has also been an observer member of Coordination Sud, the platform of French international solidarity associations.
